Ways to get assistance while you work

When you have a question about Microsoft PhotoDraw, you can ask the Answer Wizard. For example, to get help on adding 3-D effects to text and other objects, type apply a 3-D effect in the What would you like to do? box.

When you want to search for specific words or phrases, click the Index tab. Type the words or phrases, then click Search.

To see a ScreenTip for a menu command, toolbar button, or screen region, click What's This? on the Help menu, and then click the item you want information about. You can also right-click the item, and then click the WhatÆs This button.

To see a ScreenTip for a dialog box option, click the question mark button in the dialog box, and then click the option. (If you don't see the question mark button, select the option and then press SHIFT+F1.) Or, right click on the item you need help on, and then click WhatÆs This?

To see the name of a toolbar button, rest the pointer over the button until the name appears.